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MYVISTA Balcatta Residential Aged Care Living

Residential aged care facility Balcatta, WA

11 Nugent St
Balcatta WA 6021

(08) 9207 4666

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In the pleasant suburb of Balcatta, nestled in quiet Nugent St is MYVISTA Aged Care. This high-end facility has set the finest quality to make sure the highest care, offering beds for health decline, post operative, dementia and respite.

MYVISTA Balcatta Residential Aged Care Living

102 Residential aged care places.

  • Garden Wing with five houses (44 rooms in total) for residents with lower care needs:
  • All rooms are spacious and have an en-suite bathroom.
  • Each house has a lounge, dining area for breakfast, and a kitchen with tea and coffee making facilities and biscuits available.
  • A short distance from each house, via a covered walkway, is a communal lounge with a television and a dining room where lunch and dinner are served.
  • There is a chapel for quiet reflection and religious services.
  • Vista Wing, incorporating Red, Gold and Purple wings for residents with higher care needs and Blue Wing offering support for people living with dementia.
  • Rooms are of a generous size each with an ensuite.
  • Each wing has a kitchen from where meals are served, a common dining room and a lounge with a television.
  • Religious services are held regularly for all denominations.
  • All wings - residents enjoy:
  • Beautifully landscaped gardens where residents can enjoy fresh air, shady trees and colourful flowers.
  • Activity room, cafe and other facilities including a large outdoor piazza.
  • Occupational therapy staff arrange lifestyle options, activities and social events for residents.
  • Religious and spiritual services are supported and available for all residents.


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View other facilities in and around Balcatta

Rooms and pricing

Residential accommodation create their fees based on a RAD (Refundable Accommodation Deposit) and a daily rate. Many facilities will negotiate these fees. Use the calculator below to see how a lower RAD can be offset by a highly daily rate

How much have you got for a RAD payment?

Drag the slide to calculate accurate room costs in the table below.

Room type Cost
Blue Wing- Secure Dementia Room
Single room with Private ensuite
$520,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Garden Wing - Large Residential Unit
Single room with Private ensuite
$520,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Gold Wing - Large Residential Unit
Single room with Private ensuite
$520,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Purple Wing - Large Residential Unit
Single room with Private ensuite
$520,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Red Wing - Large Residential Unit
Single room with Private ensuite
$520,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Garden Wing - Extra Large Residential Unit
Single room with Private ensuite
$550,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate

The information which is summarised herein does not constitute financial or other professional advice and is general in nature.

It does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be acted on without full understanding of your current situation.

Any objectives should be discussed with an Aged Care Financial Advisor.