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Rosalie Nursing Care Centre

Small residential aged care facility (40 beds) Rosalie, QLD

18 Howard St
Rosalie QLD 4064

(07) 3367 0132

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Located in inner city Brisbane, Rosalie aged care accommodation is a female only nursing home that empowers women to continue to lead an active lifestyle and build strong social networks.

Rosalie Nursing Care Centre

At Rosalie, our team is expertly trained in providing holistic dementia care, allowing our female residents to maintain an active and socially engaging lifestyle. Residents can choose from a variety of activities, including cooking, art, happy hours, flexibility and fitness sessions, shopping and coffee outings, pet therapy, and music programs.

Our commitment to wellness and enablement is further supported by access to a range of professionals, such as 24-hour registered nurses, dentists, physiotherapists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, music therapists, and podiatrists.

Since 1999, AQ has proudly operated Rosalie Nursing Home, renowned locally as Paddington's specialist in dementia care.


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Rooms and pricing

Residential accommodation create their fees based on a RAD (Refundable Accommodation Deposit) and a daily rate. Many facilities will negotiate these fees. Use the calculator below to see how a lower RAD can be offset by a highly daily rate

How much have you got for a RAD payment?

Drag the slide to calculate accurate room costs in the table below.

Room type Cost
Shared room with No ensuite
$400,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate

The information which is summarised herein does not constitute financial or other professional advice and is general in nature.

It does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be acted on without full understanding of your current situation.

Any objectives should be discussed with an Aged Care Financial Advisor.