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Millrace Hostel

Small residential aged care facility (35 beds) Tenterfield, NSW

422 Rouse St
Tenterfield NSW 2372

(02) 6736 2622

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Millrace Hostel caters to the residents who require limited nursing care at 422 Rouse St Tenterfield and has accommodation for 35 permanent residents and 1 respite resident.

Millrace Hostel

The single rooms are approximately 21sqm have a private ensuite, are carpeted, well maintained and have adequate furniture and storage. All rooms have large glass sliding doors and floor to ceiling windows. These are four lounge areas of approximately 40sqm, three of which have attached kitchenettes with ample seating. All lounge areas have TV facilities and ceiling fans. There is also a fully furnished large common dining area. There is an underfloor heating throughout and a wood fire in the lounge room gives a homelike atmosphere. A large outdoor barbecue area is available for resident and family use. Well maintained gardens and parkland with large deciduous trees and water feature is perfect for observing the permanent wildlife.


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View other facilities in and around Tenterfield

Rooms and pricing

Residential accommodation create their fees based on a RAD (Refundable Accommodation Deposit) and a daily rate. Many facilities will negotiate these fees. Use the calculator below to see how a lower RAD can be offset by a highly daily rate

How much have you got for a RAD payment?

Drag the slide to calculate accurate room costs in the table below.

Room type Cost
Standard Rooms
Single room with Private ensuite
$235,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate

The information which is summarised herein does not constitute financial or other professional advice and is general in nature.

It does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be acted on without full understanding of your current situation.

Any objectives should be discussed with an Aged Care Financial Advisor.