Clarity Aged Care Advisors

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Bexley Care Centre

Small residential aged care facility (60 beds) Bexley, NSW

82-84 Connemarra St
Bexley NSW 2207

(02) 9587 7610

Visit website

Located in a quiet area of Southern Sydney is a warm and friendly multicultural home to 60 residents. At Synovum Care Bexley, we believe that everybody has the right to live ‘as normal a life as possible’.

Bexley Care Centre

Listening to how you want to live is the first step towards helping you achieve this. We are proud of the creative and flexible approach of our team who provide care to individuals with unique wants and complex needs – who may have even been termed ‘too challenging’ by others. Making Synovum Care Bexley your home means you become a valued member of the Synovum community.  You will of course have access to professional Registered Nurses, Physiotherapists, Palliative Care Nurses and our Dementia Specialist known as our Dementia Care Support Coordinator.


To get a better idea of this home’s surrounds, hit the - (minus) on the map to zoom out.
If you would like to see exactly where it is in the street, hit + (plus) on the map to zoom right in.

View other facilities in and around Bexley

Rooms and pricing

Residential accommodation create their fees based on a RAD (Refundable Accommodation Deposit) and a daily rate. Many facilities will negotiate these fees. Use the calculator below to see how a lower RAD can be offset by a highly daily rate

How much have you got for a RAD payment?

Drag the slide to calculate accurate room costs in the table below.

Room type Cost
Wattle - Room 19
Shared room with No ensuite
$190,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Waratah - Rooms 3, 4 and 5
Shared room with No ensuite
22m2 – 23m2
$190,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Wattle - Room 16
Shared room with No ensuite
$190,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Wattle - Rooms 15 and 18
Shared room with No ensuite
29.5m2 – 31m2
$190,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Waratah - Room 2
Shared room with No ensuite
$190,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Wattle - Rooms 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25
Shared room with No ensuite
10.4m2 – 16.82m2
$200,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Waratah - Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 12
Shared room with No ensuite
14.3m2 – 15.3m2
$200,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Wattle - Room 17
Shared room with No ensuite
$200,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Wattle - Room 29
Shared room with No ensuite
$200,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Wattle - Room 28
Shared room with Shared ensuite
$200,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Waratah - Room 10
Single room with No ensuite
$215,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Waratah - Room 11
Single room with No ensuite
$215,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Wattle - Room 30
Single room with No ensuite
$215,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Wattle - Room 27
Single room with No ensuite
$215,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate
Waratah - Room 6
Single room with Private ensuite
$230,000 maximum
or $0.00 maximum
Daily rate

The information which is summarised herein does not constitute financial or other professional advice and is general in nature.

It does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be acted on without full understanding of your current situation.

Any objectives should be discussed with an Aged Care Financial Advisor.