Joseph Palmer & Sons
In partnership with DailyCare
Take control of your aged care finances with the right strategy. We can help.
Take control of your aged care finances with the right strategy. We can help.
“A place to call home.” If you have been looking for choice of residence that reflects your lifestyle and provides the accommodation and health services that are important to you, look no further.
Clarence Estate is a premium aged care home located in the heart of Albany, providing residential care, home care services and dementia support to a community of older people from the Great Southern region.
We offer a range of services including home care, respite care and dementia support, so you can stay with us even if your needs change. Our team of dedicated, professional staff provide responsive, individualised care with registered nursing care available 24 hours a day.
To get a better idea of this home’s surrounds, hit the - (minus) on
the map to zoom out.
If you would like to see exactly where it is in the street, hit +
(plus) on the map to zoom right in.