Government-subsidised care
RSL Care Sunshine Coast - Bolton Clarke is an approved provider for Home Care Packages, subsidised by the Australian Government.
RSL Care and RDNS have come together and become Bolton Clarke. This will allow more services and support to our people right across the country. Wherever you live, we'll work with you provide the support and services you need to live the best life possible. Bolton Clarke At Home Support is a range of practical, flexible services covering Home Nursing, Home Assistance, Allied Health and Mental Health. If you need extra help around the house, or someone to drive you to your shopping or community activity we are here to help.
RSL Care Sunshine Coast - Bolton Clarke is an approved provider for Home Care Packages, subsidised by the Australian Government.
$10,271.10 package
Home Care package level 1
Basic care
Personal care, household or domestic assistance, social support, meals or shopping, or rehabilitation.
$18,063.85 package
Home Care package level 2
Low-level care
Personal care, household or domestic assistance, social support, meals or shopping, or rehabilitation. Services may include loan of basic equipment.
$39,310.50 package
Home Care package level 3
Mid-level care
Personal care, household assistance, meals and medications, nursing or allied health input, support with memory or behaviour changes, or assistance with aids and appliances.
$59,593.55 package
Home Care package level 4
High-level care
Personal care, household assistance, meals and medications, nursing or allied health input, support with memory or behaviour changes, or assistance with aids and appliances.