Five Good Friends QLD

Level 2, 179 NORTH Quay

1300 787 581

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The power of Friendships. The international study, ‘Blue Zones’ researched the world’s longest-living people. It found friendship as the key factor contributing to their longevity. The ‘stress shedding’ power of friendship enhances the life of these people who live their full and long lives in their own homes and communities. On average, these men and women have a circle of five to six good friends who travel through life with them. We found inspiration and purpose in this story. It is the reason our business exists. To provide people help at home, when they need it, so they remain close to their good friends, their community and the life they know.

Special needs
Care leavers
Focus on socially and financially disadvantaged people
Parents separated from their children by forced adoption or removal
People who live in rural or remote areas
Specific services for ATSI people
Specific services for LGBTI people
Specific services for people with CALD backgrounds
Specialised services
Assistive Technology
Continence Advisory
In-home respite care
Mental Health
People with terminal illness
Wellness and reablement

1300 787 581

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Government-subsidised care

Five Good Friends QLD is an approved provider for Home Care Packages, subsidised by the Australian Government.

$10,271.10 package

Home Care package level 1

Basic care

Personal care, household or domestic assistance, social support, meals or shopping, or rehabilitation.

$18,063.85 package

Home Care package level 2

Low-level care

Personal care, household or domestic assistance, social support, meals or shopping, or rehabilitation. Services may include loan of basic equipment.

$39,310.50 package

Home Care package level 3

Mid-level care

Personal care, household assistance, meals and medications, nursing or allied health input, support with memory or behaviour changes, or assistance with aids and appliances.

$59,593.55 package

Home Care package level 4

High-level care

Personal care, household assistance, meals and medications, nursing or allied health input, support with memory or behaviour changes, or assistance with aids and appliances.