Residential aged care

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28 facilities in New South Wales around Cardiff, 2285

HammondCare Cardiff

Cardiff, 2285

HammondCare Cardiff

Groves House

Cardiff Heights, 2285

Groves House

Woodlands Lodge

Wallsend, 2287

Woodlands Lodge

SummitCare Wallsend

Wallsend, 2287

SummitCare Wallsend

RFBI Hawkins Masonic Village

Edgeworth, 2285

RFBI Hawkins Masonic Village

Anglican Care Greenmount Gardens

Mount Hutton, 2290

Anglican Care Greenmount Gardens

Amaroo Aged Care Facility

Charlestown, 2290

Amaroo Aged Care Facility

Opal Macquarie Place

Cameron Park, 2285

Opal Macquarie Place

Waterview Aged Care Facility

Teralba, 2284

Waterview Aged Care Facility


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